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Fill in mustn't or don't doesn't have toi go to shool on sundayswe make noise. my little sister is asleepi spend mush moneyi do this exercise in writinghe forget to mail this letter tomorrowyou come to the partyyou to eat it if you don't like itthey to study music this year

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Idon't have to go to school on sundays. - мне не нужно ходить в школу по воскресеньямwe mustn't make noise. - нельзя шуметьi mustn't spend   much money. - нельзя тратить много денегi don't have to do this exercise in writing. - мне не нужно делать письменноhe mustn't  forget to mail this letter tomorrow. - нельзя забыть отправить письмоyou mustn't come to the party. - тебе нельзя приходить на вечеринку.yoy don't have to eat it if you don't like it. - тебе не нужно это есть, если тебе это не нравится.they have to to study music this year. - им приходится учить музыку в этом году. mustn't - нельзя (запрет) don't have to - нет нужно, нет необходимости.

The main theater today is the bolshoy theater. nowadays some people dislike to go to the theater , but small half of people like to there.пока только 3. сейчас еще подумаю

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