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Перевод. только не переводчик. 1. укрепить сердце. 2. защитить сердце. 3. это легко и полезно. 4. щупать пульс. 5. таким образом. 6. контролировать работу сердца. 7. 70 ударов в минуту. 8. пульс будет учащенным. 9. пульс будет нормальным. 10. измерить давление. 11. прослушать сердце. 12. сделать анализ крови.

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Ответы на вопрос:

To strenghten heart to protect heart this is easy and helpful to feel the pulse in this way to control hearts' work 70 beats per minute pulse will be quickened pulse will be normal to measure the pressure to listen to heart to make blood test

1) linda will arrange the students exchange,won*t she (will not she)?

2) your parents were not at the cinema yesterday, were they?

3) denis can play the guitar, can*t he (can not he)?

4)we are not going to write her a letter, are we?

5)you have a lot of friends, don*t you?

6)some members of his football team gave an interview to a youth magazine, didn*t they?

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