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Переведите с на язык: 1) вчера мама заметила что я получила плохую отметку. 2) мы никогда не видели жирафа 3) никто никогда не наблюдал за мной 4) вы вряд ли сможете услышать как я пою по вечерам 5) мой друг никогда не обидит меня 6) однажды я чувствовал себя каким-то плохим человеком. 7) я не слышал что мой папа ругается 8) я никогда не замечал что у моей кошки серые лапы. без в

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.)yesterday my mother noticed that i got a bad mark. 2.) we have never seen a gireffe. 3.) nobody has ever watched me. 4.) you can hardly hear me sing in the evenings. 5.) my friend would never hurt me. 6.)once i felt somehow a bad person. 7.)i did not hear that my dad swears. 8.)i never noticed that my gray cat paws.


. I wish you didn't talk so loudly. 2. I am having a wonderful time at seaside. How I wish you were here. 3. If Tom rides his new bike, he will win the race. 4. If you didn't leave your dirty clothes all over the place, our flat would look much nicer. 5. The rain is getting heavier. I wish had my umbrella with me. 6. If everyone brings some nice food with them, we will have a lot to eat at the party. 7. What would you do if you watched a road accident? 8. If only she knew what terrible mistake she was making! 9. If they pass their English exam successfully, they will be very happy. 10. If Jane stays here a little longer, she will be late for her classes. 11. I really enjoyed the play. I wish we went to the theatre more often. 12. If only John had enough money to start his own business. 13. If you come home on time, we will have dinner together. 14. I love you so much! I wish we were married! 15. If Kate didn't live so far away from school, she wouldn't have to travel to school by bus.

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