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Прочитайте и заполните текст, используя правильную форму слов should we form an opinion about someone's personality only from their looks? they say that you can't judge a book by its cover. well, apparently you can! in fact, the art of judging character from a person' (appear) has been practised for over 3000 years. it's called physiognomy or 'face reading' and, according to the experts, it's as (rely) as any science. so what can physiognomy tell us? let's start with the shape of the head. people with wide heads are generally (ambition) and want to achieve a lot. long-headed people are careful and trustworthy, and those with short heads can be (response). they don't do things properly. what about the eyes, nose or mouth? what do they reveal? well, (perfect) - people who want everything just right - tend to have eyes that are close together. pointed noses can show intelligence, while (consider) people, those who think only of themselves, sometimes have small mouths and thin lips. even that little square below the nose, the philtrum, has a meaning. lively, (energy) people have a strong, thick philtrum. people with a weaker philtrum are sometimes (mood) or depressed. but is this just a lot of nonsense? well, think about the people in your life and judge for yourself.

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Segodnya Manchester - bol'shoy gorod, raspolozhennyy na severo-zapade Anglii. On stoit na reke Irvell, kotoraya yavlyayetsya pritokom reki Mersi. Manchester yavlyayetsya odnim iz krupneyshikh portov v Anglii. On slavilsya proizvodstvom shersti i khlopka, no teper' eto finansovyy i delovoy tsentr. Kogda Britaniya byla Imperiyey, Manchester nazyvali Kottonpolis za yego khlopkovyye fabriki v gorode i v nebol'shikh gorodakh vokrug nego. Manchester takzhe mozhet gordit'sya svoyey biznes-shkoloy, kotoraya yavlyayetsya luchshey v Britanii. Muzykal'naya industriya takzhe razvivayetsya v Manchestere, mnogiye pop-i rok-gruppy igrayut v nochnykh klubakh. Vse znayut dve futbol'nyye komandy Manchestera - Manchester Yunayted i Manchester Siti.


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