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Нужен реферат на тему: "жанры музыки" (желательно на )

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Musical genres - it genera and species of music, historically in connection with various types of music content , with certain vital appointments with different social and public functions : household , applied and different conditions of its performance and perception . musical genres have certain ethnic and religious lines . the language of music - international. musical genres do not remain unchanged , they develop. on this page reflect the main , from a large set them . sacred musicmusic associated with religious texts and intended for performance during worship and in everyday life. these are songs that carry the praises of god , which is celebrated christmas, passionate way , the ascension and the trinity , etc. they have some specific reason , such as baptism , communion , marriage , etc. consecration , fight and win, and a prayer request fraternity and mission , these issues also are reflected . romance - vocal chamber works for voice and instrumental accompaniment. in romance melody is more detailed than in the song associated with the verse , reflecting not only its general nature , but also some poetic images , their development and change . romance subdivided into separate genre variations : ballads , elegies , barcarolle , romances in dance rhythms , etc. folklore and folk music - vocal (mostly singing , that is musical and poetic ) , instrumental , vocal and instrumental music and dance and creativity of the people . folk music - an integral part of folk art ( folklore) , which exists as a rule, oral ( unwritten ) form and transmitted only performing traditions . country musicologists define country music (country), as the style of american music , originally a mixture of folk music of england, ireland and scotland. throughout its history, the style was influenced by other styles ( and in turn itself influenced their development ) , which could result in a number of varieties of style : country - verstern , country rock , etc.

артур конан дойл-  detective stories ( он написал шерлока холмса)

william turner-pictures

william shakespeare-poems and plays

  daniel defoe-stories about robinson crusoe

не знаю

pamela travers-books

agatha christie-detective stories

john lennon-songs

  mark twain-about tom sawyer.


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