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Write a short story of Hannah and Ryan in about 6-8 sentences. Use the new vocabulary from the slides 3-10. Answer these questions: Where did they meet first? Who asked the other person out first? What did they fancy about each other? How soon did they fall in love? What did they fall out over? Did they ever get engaged or married?

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Напишите рассказ о Ханне и Райане примерно из 6-8 предложений. Используйте новую лексику из слайдов 3–10. ответьте на эти вопросы: где они впервые встретились? Кто первым пригласил другого человека на свидание? Что они думали друг о друге? Как скоро они полюбили друг друга? Из-за чего они выпали? Обручились ли они когда-нибудь или поженились?


1. he works hard. 2. the train   leaves at 6: 00 a.m. 3. tim kisses his mother before going to school. 4. her classes finish   at 3: 30 p.m. 5. mr. and mrs adams watch tv after dinner. 6. tim goes to the cinema. 7. those boys play   football in the park. 8. she studies english. 1.  he  drinks milk for breakfast 2.  she  goes to the cinema every sunday. 3.  she  often misses the train 4. he brushes our teeth after meals. 5. she tidies their bedroom every week. 6. he catches the bus to school every morning. 7. he  buys the newspaper on saturdays. he

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