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Iпоставить предложения в прошедшее и будущее время. 1)she can translate this article without a dictionary 2) i must get up early 3) may i have a cup of tea ii поставьте предложение в общий, специальный, разделительный и альтернативный вопрос 1) i took this book from me friends 2) these two men are wearing black shoes 3) she doesn’t usually take papers home

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I1) s he can translate this article without a dictionary.    she could translate this article without a dictionary.    she will be able to translate this article without a dictionary. 2) i must get up early.  i had to get up early.  i will have to get up early. 3) may i have a cup of tea?       was i allowed to have a cup of tea?       will i be allowed to have a cup of tea? ii поставьте предложение в общий, специальный, разделительный и альтернативный вопрос 1) i took this book from my friendsобщий: did i take this book from my friends? специальный: what did i take from my friends? разделит.: i took this book from my friends, didn't i? альтернат.: did i take this book from my friends or from my teacher? 2) these two men are wearing black shoes.общ.: are these two men wearing black shoes? спец.: what are these two men wearing? раздел.: these two men are wearing black shoes, aren't they? альтерн.: are these two men wearing black or brown shoes? 3) she doesn’t usually take papers home. общ.: does she not usually take papers home? спец.: what does she not take home? раздел.: she doesn’t usually take papers home, does she? альтерн.: does she not take papers or books home?

My  sister live with her granny in st.petersburg.her  name  is  maryna.she  is  seventeenth. in  this  year she finish school.she going to enter  to  the  institute  and want to become an   engineer

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