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XIII. Insert prepositions. 1. We listened ... the speaker ... great attention. 2. He made his speech ...
English, but we understood him quite well. 3. The Old Man was impatient
any kind of talk. 4. You have come ... vain. He is busy today and can't receive
you. 5. All ... them came five minutes ... the lecture and seated themselves
the hall. 6. . the time you come back, I shall have done it. 7. I'll come
rate and see what I can do you. 8. I couldn't expect it... you. 9. If we begin
our work early ... the morning we shall be able to finish it ... time. 10. In spite
... all their efforts, the experiment was not a success. ll. ... the circumstances
he had to leave town. 12. We regarded him ... an intelligent man.

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Ответы на вопрос:

natural habitats,plant species,acid rain,factory fumes,solar power,soil waste,toxic pollution

ну,как-то так:)

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