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:choose the appropriate words to comlete the sentences. 1. there are (few/a few) parks in the city, that`s why i think it is so polluted. 2. harry up! there is (a little/little) time before the bell. 3. very (few/a few) people can influence his decisions. 4. is there any bread in the basket? can i have a sandwich? - yes, there is (little/ a little) 5. can you wait for (a few/few) minutes, please?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. there are few parks in the city, that`s why i think it is so polluted. 2. harry up! there is little time before the bell. 3. very a few people can influence his decisions. 4. is there any bread in the basket? can i have a sandwich? - yes, there is little 5. can you wait for a few minutes, please?


сменив на короткое время друг друга, нищий мальчик том кенти становится повелителем , а наследник престола эдуард вкушает горечь и унижение, уготованные беднякам в его королевстве. явившись в неведомый ему до того мир нищеты и лишений, маленький принц тотчас же заступается за невинно обиженных, а нищий том кенти в королевском дворце с той же зоркостью и непосредственностью детской души рушит хитросплетения несправедливых законов…


replacing a short time of each other, the beggar boy tom canty is the ruler of england, and heir to the british throne, edward partakes of the bitterness and humiliation, prepared for the poor in his kingdom. appearing in the unknown to him before the world of poverty and deprivation, the little prince at once defends the innocent wronged, and the beggar tom canty in the royal palace with the same vigilance and spontaneity of the child's soul breaks down the intricacies of unjust laws  

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