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1.an international manager should be creative and open for: выберите один ответ: innovation innovative innovatively innovate 2.the company has decided their production operations overseas. выберите один ответ: expansive to expand inexpensive expansion 3.the we received from the new product will be invested in modernizing our equipment. выберите один ответ: profitably profitability unprofitable profit 4.the management of our chinese subsidiary has taken a number of measures for increasing labour: выберите один ответ: productivity product produce productive 5.before entering a foreign market a company has to carry out a deep market: выберите один ответ: approach search research emphasis 6.the priority for a sales manager is providing: выберите один ответ: customer complaint customer satisfaction customer segmentation goodwill 7.japanese managers pay a lot of attention to high quality standards. выберите один ответ: solving recruiting confirming maintaining 8.managers’ task is to identify a problem and find effective solutions to it. выберите один ответ: investigate implement cause eliminate 9.the company has managed to build up a tremendous among consumers due to providing high-quality personalized service. выберите один ответ: relationship liability loyalty cooperation 10.the r& d department is trying to make an on introducing innovations in manufacturing process. выберите один ответ: emphasis account evaluation approach 11.according to german management should obey their bosses. выберите один ответ: suppliers subordinates competitors colleagues 12.everybody’s involvement in process is a typical characteristic of japanese management. выберите один ответ: team goal decision quality 13.the quality of the completed work depends the performance of every member of the team. выберите один ответ: of in on with 14.before we started the process of 2000 people were working in this factory. выберите один ответ: delegation delivery automation communication 15.the quality manager received some complaints from customers about the product: выберите один ответ: availability placement reliability development

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. innovation; 2. to expand; 3. profit; 4. productivity; 5. research; 6. customer satisfaction; 7. maintaining; 8. eliminate; 9. loyalty; 10. emphasis; 11. subordinates; 12. decision; 13. on; 14. automation; 15. availability

20 + 7 = 27

30 + 19 = 49

25 + 15 = 40

20 + 13 = 33

11 + 9 = 20

40 + 30 = 70

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