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Past simple or past perfect write the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1) when i (come), they already (eat) my water-melon. 2) i (look) at the vase my friend (break). 3) when i (arrive) at the party, tom (go) home. 4) the local cinema (be) no longer open. it ) down. 5) we (reach) the station when the rain (start). 6) i (remember) that i (left) my umbrella at home. 7) after jack (turn off) the light, he (left) the room. 8) john no longer (have) his car. he (sell) it. 9) i (finish) my homework before my mom ). 10) hardly julie (enter) the house, when it (start) to rain. 11) he (be) away for several months before his first letter (come). 12) after the sun (set), we (decide) to return home. 13) i (want) to go to the cinema, because i (see) the film. 14) he (not tell) us that he (take) the money. 15) the boy (be) in a bad mood because he (fail) the exam. 16) mr. black (say) that he (buy) a new car. 17) everybody (understand) that he (find out) the truth. 18) i (be) a teacher for ten years since i (graduate) from college; after that i (become) a designer. 19) people (know) that he already (live) there for five years. 20) where they (live) before they (move) to london? 21) i (know) that my sister (go) to the party alone. 22) who (break) the window before i (return) home?

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1) when i came, they already had eaten my water-melon. 2) i looked at the vase my friend had broken 3) when i arrived at the party, tom had already gone home. 4) the local cinema was no longer open. it had closed down. 5) we had reached the station when the rain started. 6) i had remembered that i left my umbrella at home. 7) after jack   had turned off the light, he left the room. 8) john no longer had his car. he had sold it. 9) i had finished my homework before my mom returned. 10) hardly julie had entered the house, when it started to rain. 11) he had been away for several months before his first letter came. 12) after the sun set, we decided to return home. 13) i wanted to go to the cinema, because i had seen the film. 14) he didn’t tell us that he had taken the money. 15) the boy was in a bad mood because he had failed the exam. 16) mr. black said that he had bought a new car. 17) everybody understands that he had found out the truth. 18) i had been a teacher for ten years since i graduated from college; after that i became a designer. 19) people know that he had already lived there for five years. 20) where had they lived before they moved to london? 21) i knew that my sister went to the party alone. 22) who had broken the window before i returned home?


Волк увидел овцу около маленькой речки и искал её чтобы съесть её.он крикнул,я не могу пить эту грязную воду! она грязная! ты положил свои грязные ноги в воду! "нет,я не делал её грязной", отвечает овца." я не ложил свои ноги ы воду.я пью ртом а не своими ногами.смотри! моя нога не в воде.хорошо.тогда это было в прошлом году.ты положил свои ноги в воду в прошлом году! крикнул волк и ты сделал воду грязной.но тогда мне было 4 года.сказала овца.кто тогда если не ты положил ноги в речку тогда? это был не ты,это был твой отец или твой брат.крикнул волк и прыгнул на овцу.но овца убежала прочь.и волк упал в воду. как то так.приятного учения.

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