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Яким ми бачимо Франческо Петрарка у його сонетах​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Відданим своєму юнацькому коханню, високому, чистому, але боязкому. Він показує красу і щирість своїх почуттів.




1) First we measured the room, then calculated how much wallpaper we needed to decorate it.

2) He asked the shop assistant to measure a kilo of sugar.

3) The doctor measured the patient’s temperature.

4) He tried to calculate how much he had spent on gasoline.

5) There are special machines which calculate money.

6) Meteorologists measure atmospheric pressure every day.

7) It is hard work to calculate the surface area of a continent.

8) Water clock measures time by the fall or flow of water.

9) He always calculates how much sugar the family consumes a week.

10) Ammeter measures direct and alternating current with accuracies of from 0.1 to 0.25 percent.

11) Harkins made one of the first attempts to calculate the proportions of elements in the universe.

12) Magnetometer measures magnetic field.

13) She measured the room before buying the carpet.

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