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Нужно составить предложения со словами: blood(кровь), cruel(жестокий), devote(посвящать), devoted(преданный), expensive(дорогой), produce(производить), receive(получать, принимать), scenery(декорации), thrill(волновать). в каждом предложении должен быть present perfect!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. when you have cut your finger, you can see blood. 2. his father has been  a cruel person. 3. her bridegroom has devoted her a song. 4. she was shocked, but it has been the most devoted dog. 5. it has been really an expensive dress. 6.their company has produced cars. 7. she has received a letter with bad news. 8. they have made scenery for wedding. 9. he has thrilled that his mother was ill.

1is 2 are 3 are. am 4 are. am 5 are 6 are 7 is 8 is 9 are

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