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Перевести текст на : вчера я убирался дома. мама приготовила вкусную еду.моя сестра ей.она помыла посуду.папа работал в саду.я ему.я собрал яблоки.потом мы помыли машину.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Yesterday i cleaned the house. mother cooked tasty food. my sister helped her. she washed dishes. father worked in the garden. i helped him. i gathered apples. then we washed our car.

1) The sun is shining;

2) and birds are singing;

3) My mother is sleeping under the tree;

4)My father is making;

5)My brother is playing badminton;

6) I am washing the car;

7)We are sitting.

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