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33. заполните пробел неопределенным, определенным или «нулевым» артиклем. 1. show passport. 2. there new house in the street. 3. do you number of her apartment? 4. i meat. 5. there policemen in the office. 6. take seven. 7. i city where i live. 8. bag, please. 9. i do not cheese. 10. in the room is my friend. 34. переведите. 1. покажите мне паспорт вашей жены. 2. возьмите сумку и откройте ее. 3. я живу в квартире 5. 4. он не помнит номер своего телефона. 5. я не знаю его адреса. 6. он живет в сельской местности. 7. это партнер моего друга. 8. это игрушки моего ребенка. 9. это дом моих друзей. 10. номер его телефона— 723981.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. show me the passport. 2. there is a new house in the street. 3. do you remember the number of her apartment? 4. i like (the) meat. (оба) 5. there are policemen in the office. 6. take bus seven. 7. i like the city where i live. 8. open the bag, please. 9. i do not eat cheese. 10. the man in the room is my friend. 1. show me your wife's passport.2. take the bag and open it.3. i live in flat 5.4. he does not remember his phone number.5. i do not know his address.6. he lives in the countryside.7. this is my friend's partner.8. these are my child's toys.9. this is my friends' house.10. his telephone number is 723981.

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