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Раскройте скобки 1. we go) to school on weekdays. 2. brother (play) with us next sunday? 3. granny (not to sleep) now 4. we (go) to spain last summer. it (be) great! 5. my sister (not to cook) dinner every day 6. where you (to go)? 7. what you (to do) yesterday? 8. why he (to laugh)? 9. my father to smoke) 10. i (to water) the flowers tomorrow 11. she (to buy) bread and milk every morning. 12. my sister's husband (not to like) sports. 13. he (not to go to the cinema last week 14. why you (to cry)? 15. his aunt (to work) as a teacher. 16. you (to call) me tomorrow? 17. their parents (to live) in australia

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. we  go to school on weekdays. 2. will your brother play with us next sunday? 3. granny is not sleeping now 4. we .went to spain last summer. it was great! 5. my sister does not cook dinner every day 6. where are you  going? 7. what did you  do yesterday? 8. why is he  laughing? 9. my father does not  smoke 10. i will water the flowers tomorrow 11. she buys bread and milk every morning. 12. my sister's husband does not  like sports. 13. he did not  go to the e cinema last week 14. why are you crying? 15. his aunt  works as a teacher. 16. will you  call me tomorrow? 17. their parents  live in australia

1) question: what can you catch but not throw? answer: a cold.ответ: а - потому что "catch a cold" дословно переводится "поймать холод", то есть простудиться, значит, поймать холод ты можешь, а бросить холод не можешь)) - "cold" многозначное слово - классный вопросик! 2) question: what state in the united states is high in the middleand round at the ends? answer: ohio.ответ: б - потому что "high" (высоко) и "hi" () произносятся почти одинаково, в данном примере слово "hi" стоит между буквами о, то есть в середине) - хороший вопросик! 3) question: how do you make the number one disappear? answer: add the letter g and it’s «gone».ответ: б - потому что было слово "one" (один) и как оно исчезло? просто добавили букву "g" и номер 1 исчез) - замечательный вопросик! за интересное

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