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1. a letter arrives at you house. you are sure it is from paul. a it might be from paul. b it must be from paul. c it may have been from paul. 2. you have toothache. your mother gives you some advice. a you may go to the dentist. b you should go to the dentist. c you might go to the dentist. 3. you are looking for your scarf. you think it’s upstairs. a it can’t be upstairs. b it should be upstairs. c it could be upstairs. 4. your father told you to do your homework. you tell your friends. a i will do my homework. b i have to do my homework. c i might do my homework. 5. you want your neighbour to babysit for you tonight. a would you babysit for me tonight? b shall you babysit for me tonight? c must you babysit for me tonight? 6. you did the washing up for your mother, but she didn’t expect you to. a you mustn’t have done the washing up. b you might not have done the washing up. c you needn’t have done the washing up. 7. there was a good film on tv. you’re sure john didn’t watch it. a john should have watched it. b john might have watched it. c john can’t have watched it. 8. you want to have a pet in your flat, but your landlord tells you it isn’t allowed. a you mustn’t keep pets in the flat. b you needn’t keep pets in the flat. c you will not keep pets in the flat. 9. an old lady is trying to open the door. you offer to do it for her. a couldn’t i open the door for you? b must i open the door for you? c shall i open the door for you? 10. you offer to do the shopping, but your mother says it isn’t necessary. a you must do the shopping. b you needn’t do the shopping. c you could do the shopping.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b it must be from paul.2. b you should go to the dentist.3. b it should be upstairs. 4. b i have to do my homework. 5. a would you babysit for me tonight? 6. c you needn’t have done the washing up. 7. c john can’t have watched it. 8. a you mustn’t keep pets in the flat. 9. c shall i open the door for you? 10. b you needn’t do the shopping.


1) window.

2) cooker

3) bedroom.

4) first floor.

5) mirror in her bedroom.

6) block of flat's.

7) garage.

8) lamp on his desk.

9) wardrobe.

10) books in the bedroom.

11) sink.


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