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photos show a group of people who are all surrounding one person and looking at them.
The 2
theme in the two photos is celebration. The first photo 3
a very old man at the
centre, 4
the second photo shows a young woman in her twenties. It must be the old man’s birthday
because he is sitting in front of a birthday cake, and the other people must be members of his family because they are all
different ages. In 5
to the first photo, the people in the 6
photo must be the woman’s
friends as they are all roughly the same age as her. In the 7
photo the people are also wearing party
clothes, 8
in the second photo they are just wearing jeans and T-shirts. Another
obvious 9
is that the woman isn’t sitting down – she is walking through a door into a house. Judging by
the expression on her face, she wasn’t expecting to find everyone there. So, 10 the first photo, it must be
a surprise celebration.
Слова которые надо вставить: both, but, common ,contrast ,difference ,first ,second shows ,unlike ,whereas.

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Хороший праздник зимой. christmas-рождество

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