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Переведите текст на : ,меня зовут алина.я живу на улице алтуфьево.в моём дворе есть две детские площадки.каждый день вечером мы играем во дворе. на моей улице есть супермаркет,парикмахерская,аптека и детская поликлиника.в детской поликлинике работает моя мама.она любит свою работу. так же рядом с моим подъездом есть две трипсинам для выгуливания собак.там я гуляю со своей собакой.его зову френки. рядом с одной из тропинок есть детский сад.туда раньше ходила моя сестра даша,но теперь она ходит в школу,которая находиться неподалёку. я люблю свой район и его жителей!

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Вот .вот это правильно

Hello, my name is alina. i live on the street altufevo. in my yard there are two playgrounds. every day we play in the yard.in my street there is a supermarket, a hairdresser, a pharmacy and a children's polyclinic. my mom works in the children's polyclinic. she loves her work.also next to my porch there are two trypsins for walking the dog. there i'm walking with my dog. he calls for franky.next to one of the paths there is a kindergarten. my sister dasha used to go there earlier, but now she goes to school, which will be blocked.i love my neighborhood and its inhabitants!


I really like the city of Sochi. This is the best vacation spot in our country. If I were a building, then I would like to be the "Bogatyr" hotel. This is the most beautiful building in this city, the hotel is located on the shores of the Black Sea, not far from the Olympic Park. The building was built for the 2014 Olympics. Tourists from all over the world come here. The hotel has a fabulous atmosphere, cozy and clean. At night, it shines beautifully with colored lights. Residents always leave in a good mood. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it.


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