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·раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму глагола в present continuous, past continuous, present или past simple: 1) he is a writer. he …(write) books. he …(write) a very good book last year. he…(write) a new book now. 2) mary is a student. she …(study) medicine. she …(do) her homework now. 3) he …) to music form 6 till 7 p.m. yesterday. 4) she …(clean) the room every day. she ….(clean) the room now. she ….(clean) the room last friday. she ….(clean) the room at 10 a.m. yesterday. 5) at this time yesterday i …(do shopping). 6) usually it …(take) me three hour to do my homework. it …(take) me four hours yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) he writes,he wrote, he is writing 2) studies, is doing 3) was listening 4) cleans, is cleaning, cleaned, has cleaned 5) was shopping 6) takes took

Да это прошедшее простое время was   это глагол to be в прош вр

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