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Нужно найтти ошибки и исправить их. 1.most people do a lot of their free time at home. 2.how many hours of tv do you see each week? 3.the neighbours asked us up for a meal last saturday. 4.my children have a lot of card games in the holidays. 5.do you enjoy watching the radio? 6.clare is doing a party for her birthday ? 7.i play swimming at least three times a week. 8.some children have computer games for hours. 9.luka does not get any hobbies.he just seems to work. 10.when did tou lust go for the theatre ? подскажите .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  do  -  pass 2.  see-watch 3. убрать  for 4.in-at 5.watching-listening 6.doing  -  organizing 7.play-am 8.have-play 9.get-have 10.  for-to

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