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1mr cotton,i am interested 2 studying at your language school and i am writing3 request further information about your courses.please could you tell me 4 there are still places available on thesummer courses? i 5 also like to know how much a three-week course6 finally, i would be 7 if you could send me detailsof the accommodation that is available.i look 8 to 9 from you.yours 10amit khan

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1. The reason you feel this way is(is глагол to be) that you don't know how the other person will react

2. They are(are глагол to be) also very likely to smile back and help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation.

3. The best way to have interesting conversations is(is глагол to be) to be an interesting person!

4.  This way they'll know you're(are глагол to be) interested in them


Популярно: Английский язык