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1. не (to sit) in a cafe, when i (to see) him. 2. my friend (to talk) to the teacher, when i (to see) him. 3.when the phone (to ring), they (to have) dinner. 4.the boy (to fall) and (to hurt) himself while he (to ride) his bicycle. 5. she (to wait) for her sister, when i (to see) her. 6. when the pupils (to hear) the bell, they (to get up) and (to leave). 7. when i (to go) out, the sun (to shine). 8. while she (to play) the piano, i (to write) a letter. 9. he (to go) to the university, when i (to meet) her. 10. our friends (to discuss) something when we (to interrupt) them. 11. my mother (to watch) tv,when i (to come) into the room. 12.1 haven't seen him since he (to move) to his new flat. 13. when i (to look) out of the window, i (to see) that it (to rain) hard and people (to hurry) along the street. 14. we (to leave) the house, when the telephone (to ring). 15.1 (to sit) on the river bank, when my friends (to join) me. 16. when i (to come) up to him, he (to speak) to his friends. 17. we (to meet) her when she (to walk) home. 18. when she (to enter) the room, i (to stand) at the window. 19. when we (to enter) the room he (to smoke and to speak) to his friends. 20.1 (to watch) tv, when somebody (to

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Ответы на вопрос:

Сделаю чуть-чуть. тут все однотипно. смотри, когда кто-то что-то делает это past continuous, а если кто-то прерывает действие это past simple. например: he was sitting in a café, when i saw him. т.е. он сидел спокойненько в кафе, пил чай и вдруг зашел я и увидел его, т.е. прервал его посиделки. my friend was talking to the teacher, when i saw him. the boy fell and hurt himself while he was riding his bicycle.


1. when i was , i used to be very shy.

2. would you like to be actor?

3. do you collect - stamps?

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