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Завдання 4. Перетворіть наступне, використовуючи Present Indefinite і Present Continuous. Перекладіть їх після цього українською мовою. 1. Ми не змогли отримати номер у готелі, оскільки не замовляли заздалегідь. 2. Він не склав іспити, оскільки не підготував відповіді.​

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упражнение 3

While I was coping the exercise, my friends was describing a picture. When we came in, the children were cleaning their desks. We met her at the bus stop. She was waiting for the bus. Some of the children were skiing while other children were skating. Everybody had a lot of fun. When we came, the family was getting everything ready for Christmas. Bob and Helen were decorating the Christmas tree. The girls were feeding the birds in the garden while the boys were making a bird-house.

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