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Народ с ))надо поставить слова из скобок или в пресент симпл или пресент континиус. отвечайте на то можете, необязательно на все сразу. и если не уверенны в ответе, то напишите. choose the present simple or present continuous: 1. (you / come) tonight? 2. (he / eat) rice every day? 3. i (work) at the moment. 4. (he / come) to london often? 5. he (play) tennis now. 6. (you / come) to the cinema later? 7. they (not / come) to the party tomorrow. 8. he (not / play) golf now. 9. (you / play) tennis this sunday? 10. they (go) to a restaurant every saturday. 11. she (not / go) to the cinema very often. 12. you usually (arrive) late. 13. he normally (eat) dinner at home. 14. (you / study) every night? 15. (they / work) late usually? 16. you (not / go) out later. 17. i (not / work) tonight. 18. (she / work) at the moment? 19. i (not / drink) coffee very often. 20. julie (sleep) now. заранее ))

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) do you 2)does he 3)i am 5)he are 7)they do not 8)he are not 9)do you 11)she does not 13) he normally 14)are you 17)i do not 18)are she 19) i do not 20)    julie are

1. he (does not  waste) time with foolish questions like why, when and where. he does as he is told. 2. always a punctual woman, she (came) downstairs as the front door (was opened) for charles. 3. some kind of public demonstration (is planned) to take place at the airport tonight. 4. the flight (has not been announced) yet. it (will not be announced) for another half-hour, at least. 5. the message, as tanya (dictated) it, (was typed) by a girl clerk in new york. 6. she could tell by the inclination of his head that he (was listening) intently to everything that (was being said). 7. it (was) an old house that (had been divided) into flats. 8. julia can’t know what (has been said) about her, and someone must tell her. 9. each apartment is usually ( shared) by two or three girls. they (are known) as stewardess’ nests. 10. inez ( occupies) a chair in the room’s centre to which she (was guided) on arrival. 11. he ( saw) that the doors of trans america flight two (had not been closed) yet, and a few remaining passengers were still ( checking) in. во всех этих предложениях возможны варианты временных форм. в основном, между прошедшим и настоящим временем. поэтому трудно догадаться, какое время является "соответствующим". такое является вариантом "сделай то, не знаю что".

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