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Перевести на .(правильно) в субботу вероника приехала к бабушке в деревню. в деревне было красиво. однажды утром девочка решила прогуляться по лесу. воздух в лесу был влажный. вероника увидела кусты с . она подошла к ним и вдруг увидела старушку. старушка дружелюбнно девочку. старушка рассказала девочке : раньше этот лес был необитаемый. на том месте где сейчас песок и болото, было озеро. но однажды в лес зашел юноша и его друзья. возле леса они основали деревню. с тех пор лес одинок- сказала старушка. на прощание она дала веронике персик, абрикос и грушу. (заранее )

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on saturday veronika came to visit her grandmother in the village. it was very beautiful in the village. one morning the little girl decided to walk through the forest. the air in the forest was humid. veronica saw the bushes with berries. she walked up to it and suddenly saw an old woman. the old woman   greeted friendly  the girl . the old woman told the girl   a story:

earlier this forest had been uninhabited. in the place where there was now the sand and bog, there had been   a lake. but one day a young man and  his friends  came in the wood. near the forest they   founded the village. since then, the forest are alone " said the old woman. at parting she gave her   a peach, an apricot and a pear.

на 100 % не уверена, но сверишь с другими ответами, может чего и получится, надеюсь хоть как )

on saturday veronica came to her grandmother in the village.in the village  was very beautiful.one morning  the girl decided to walk on the forest.air in the forest  was  damp.veronica saw a bushes with berries.she went up to  them and suddenly saw the old woman.the old woman friendly greeted the girl.

the old woman told the story: previously, this was an uninhabited forest.on that place where now the sand and swamp, there was a lake.but one day the young man went to the forest with his friends.near the forest, they founded the village."since then, the forest alone"- said the old woman.in parting, she gave veronica peach, apricot and pear.

1. devotion; 2. striking; 3. developed; 4. immediately; 5. argument; 7. injured 

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