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Перевести текст mothers birthday tomorrow it will be saturday. it ll be my mummy's birthday! she ii be thirty-one. but she looks twenty, she really does! my dad and i will get up early in the morning, when mum is still asleep. well clean the house and go to the shop to buy presents for mother. i don't knoy what well buy. we shall see. but of course well buy flowers. all women like flowers , you know! i think well buy a beautiful blouse for her.sne likes to wear blouses. we shall buy tasty things, too : sweets, chocolate, ice-cream, cookies, apples, oranges, bananas and what not! when mum gets up well congratulate her on her birthday. well give her the presents and sing the song: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday , dear mummy, happy birthday to you! mother will invite her friends to her birthday party. they will come in the evening at about seven o'clock. mum will put on her party dress. dad will be in his best too. ill put on my new white shirt and blue trousers. well have a good time! last year we had a lot of fun that day. father wanted to make a surprise for mother - to cook a birthday cake. when he put the cake on the table mum asked : what is it , i wonder? its my present for you on your birthday.its a birthday cake.i cooked it for you. mum thanked dad and ate some cake. i wondered how she could eat the cake! it was vere bad, it really was! i was vere hungry but i couldnt eat it! the next day , when dad wasnt at home i asked my mum, how could you eat the cake yesterday? did you like it? mother didnt say anything and smiled.

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Завтра будет суббота. это будет день рождения моей мамы. ей исполнится 31. но она выглядит на 20, правда! мой папа и я встанем рано утром, когда мама будет все еще спать. мы уберемся дома и пойдем в магазин покупать подарки маме. я не знаю, что мы купим. посмотрим. но, конечно же, мы купим цветы. все женщины любят цветы, ты знаешь. я думаю мы купим красивую блузку для нее. она любит одевать блузки. мы купим вкусные вещи тоже: конфеты, шоколад, мороженое, печенья, яблоки, апельсины, бананы и многое другое. когда мама проснется мы поздравим ее с днем

1. bruce wishes he had more money so he could buy a new sweater.

2. i wish it were snowing now that it’s christmas.

3. i wish i  were taller so that i could be in the basketball team.

4. i wish you would stop watching television while i am talking to you.

5. i wish you wouldn't do that. it annoys me.

6. i wish the holidays would come so we could go off to the seaside.

7. i wish they wouldn't build that block of flats right in front of our window.

8. of course tom wishes he could come with us in paris, but he has to stay here and work.

9. i wish we would go to the match on saturday but we’re visiting my uncle instead.

10. i wish you had kept your mouth shut yesterday. now mary knows everything.

11. if only hadn't lost all my money. now i'm broke.

12. peter is always late. if only he turned up on time for a change!

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