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you are spending a week somewhere in kazakhstan write an email to your english pen friend (50-70 words). follow the plan. write:

para 1: where you are, who you are with, what you think of the place (greetings from i`m . i`ve never .)

para 2: what you have done/seen so far - haven`t done/seen yet (i`ve been here for . i`ve but i haven`t yet.)

para 3: when you are coming back; closing remarks (i`m coming back in

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Ответы на вопрос:

What kind of people  live in the  britain? (какие люди живут в британии? ) how many people live in the britain? (сколько людей живёт в британии? ) what is the weather in britain? (какая погода в британии? ) what is the national dish in britain? (какое национальное блюдо в британии? ) what famous people live in britain? (какие известные люди живут в британии? ) всё лень дальше писать

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