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Твір з ійської мови на тему: чи була в тебе у житті ситуація, коли ти зробила помилку? опиши та розкажи, як ти її виправила..

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There is a quote "it is not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us" so, you can only go forward by making mistakes, if you make a mistake admit it, learn from it, correct it, and, of course don't repeat it. we all make mistakes, most people forget about their small mistakes and will repeat it soon. it is not so good thinking that making mistakes is usual thing, everyone does it, and if we do wrong things it is not terrible. we must learn from our and other's mistakes, of course it doesn't need to worry if we make big or small mistakes. we must correct them. and i repeat, everyone does mistakes. for example, i often do mistakes. if i look into my past, i can see there are a lot of mistakes. one example, two years ago i fell in love with one beautiful girl. i tried many times to talk with her. she was so beautiful. at the end, i got her phone number, and called her many times. i loved her, but she didn't. it made me nervous, because i did everything i could for her. but she often said that she loved other. i didn't believe her and one day i cried in front of the whole audience that we loved each other. (that was very big mistake) soon i found that she was girlfriend of my best friend. i was shocked when my friend asked me: "why? ". they quarrelled a lot. after one week in that audience, in front of that people i told that it was mistake, it was a lie, i asked for an excuse. they excused me. but even today when i see them together i feel myself guilty and stupidly. so, think many times before doing something!

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