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Составить диалог по образцу, а: hello, this is the sports club, how can i help you? b: hello. this is mel. can i speak to lora stock, please? a: i 'm sorry. she isn' t in. b: what a pity! a: you can leave a message for her if you like. b: yes thank you, coyld you telo her mel lark called, please. a: i 'll certainly tell her you cslled. b: thank you, goodbye.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A: hello, this is the bank, how can i help you? b: hello. can i speak to edward key, please? a: i 'm sorry. he isn' t in. b: what a pity! a: you can leave a message for him if you like. b: yes thank you, could you tell him megan smith called, please. a: i 'll certainly tell him you cslled. b: thank you, goodbye.

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