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Вставьте глагол в нужном времени. укажите время и его маркеры. буду 1) you already for flat? (to pay) 2)linda at 9 in the morning tomorrow.(to arrive) 3)they in kiev 2 years ago.(to live) 4) my mother chicken at the moment. (o cook) 5) you tomorrow? (to be) 6)doctor patients from 9 till 15 o`clock last week.(to take) 7)he ussualy tv in the evenings.(to watch)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) have you already paid for flat? already маркер present perfect 2) linda will arrive at 9 in the morning tomorrow. tomorrow маркер future simple 3)they lived in kiev 2 years ago.ago маркер past simple 4) my mother is cooking chicken at the moment. at the moment маркер present progressive 5) will you be free tomorrow? tomorrow-future simple 6)doctor was taking patients from 9 till 15 o`clock last week. маркер from 9 till 15 o`clock last week-past progressive  7)he usually watches tv in the evenings. маркер usually present simple

1have played (already) 2 will arrive (tomorrow) 3 lived (ago) 4 is cooking (at the moment) 5 will be (tomorrow) 6 was taking (last week) 7 watches (usually)

1) anna's cat is black 2) sam's rabbit is fluffy 3)tim's bag is heavy 4) pam's hat is beautiful 5)jim's stick is small

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