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1. choose the correct variant. 1) is there coffee left? a) any c) the b) some d) a 2) how cars are there in the street? a) much c) little b) many d) more 3) it’s cold. don’t open windows. a) a c) some b) any d) — (nothing) 4) do you know good hotels near here? a) any c) the b) some d) a 5) i like tea with lemon. a) so does helen. c) so do you. b) neither does bob. d) as does mary. 6) david doesn’t like oranges. a) so do i. c) i don’t too. b) neither do i. d) either don’t i. 7) sue sara will help you with your homework. they are both busy at the moment. a) and and c) neither nor b) either or d) so … as 8) this is my offer. you take it leave it. a) neither nor c) either or b) so as d) as … as

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1a 2b 3b 4a 5d 6b 7c 8c ну вот

1) get     2) i was looking for a present in the shop. 3) and i haven't   bought

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