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написать текст Your PE instructor has asked you to write a report about
the sports facilities in your school/college and suggest
ways in which they could be improved.
1. Think about the sports facilities in your school. What
two or three features do you want to focus on?
2. What heading would you use for each of the features
you have chosen?
3. What nocific cuggestions do you have to make about​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Дима , занаешь я маме как щас расскажу . стираю свои носки , убераю комнату , застелаю постель , в саду , мою посуду , кормлю рыбак , мою полы . думаю тебе было интересно . пока . hello dima, zana i help my mother how to tell right now. wash their socks, uberall room zastelayu bed, helping in the garden, wash the dishes, feed the fisherman, my floors. i think you were interested. till .

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