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1.составьте предложения. 1)listening, we, to, were, music, the, 5, yesterday, at, o`clock. 2)last, danced, at, disco, the, night, we 3)returned, by, i, had, 7, o`clock, yesterday 2.раскройте скобки,используя past simple, past continious, past perfect: 1)the singer (to be) born in 1970. 2)he (to see) us a week ago. 3)she (to translate) an article at 5 o`clock yesterday. 4)last sunday we (to have) 5 lessons. 5)they (to do) the task by 5 o`clock. 6)they (to finish) the article by 7 p.m.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.1 we were listening to the music at 5 o`clock yesterday.2 we danced at the disco last  night.3 i had returned by 7 o`clock yesterday.2.1)the singer was born in 1970.2)he saw us a week ago.3)she was translating an article at 5 o`clock yesterday.4)last sunday we had 5 lessons.5)they had done the task by 5 o`clock.6)they had finished the article by 7 p.m.

1. my friend is  eating a tasty hamburger now. 2. what is this boy doing? 3. documentary movies tell us what the truth is. 4. i'm going  to gucci store  in  saint petersburg.

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