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Поставить at, on ot in. 1)mun wakes up at 7 o,clok the motning. 2) brian and steve play footbal mondays. 3) i sii my friends the weekend. впишите одно из двух. 1) (their/theirs) house is very modern. 2) meg has got a new flat. (her/ourt) flat ist spacius. 3)this camera isn,t (meine/my) 4)this little puppy isn,t (our/ours) 5)what,s (yours/her) phone number? 6) is this football (his/her)?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1: 1)in 2)ot 3)at 2: 1)their 2)her 3)my 4)our 5)her 6)her

1) in 2) on 3) at 1) 1 2) 1 3) наверно 2 4)1 5) 2 6) от контекста зависит

2.The supermarket is-in Green Street

3.The book shop...- of the school

4. The flower shop...-the park and supermarker

5.The hospital...-to the library

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