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1. frank usually…his work at school. a do b doing c does 2. mr smith is a …. she always delivers our letters. a baker b doctor c postman 3. will you come swimming with me? no, i … . a don’t b won’t c will 4. who’s denis? he’s tom’s … . a mother b sister c brother 5. she lives on the … floor. a ground b three c one 6. whose car is that? it’s …. car. a doris’ b doris c doris and kate’s 7. you … eat at the lesson. a must b want c mustn’t 8. what is he … now? a read b reading c reads 9. how … sugar do you need? a many b some c much 10. i’m british. i’m from… a the usa b the uk c russia 11. there are five … in the box. a doll b car c pets 12. we haven’t got … rice at home. a any b some c a 13. tom and i are brothers. … live together. a they b their c we 14. what’s the time, please? it’s half … ten. a quarter b past c after 15. has he got … books? a that b this c these 16. would you like to go fishing with me? no, thanks! it’s ….. a exciting b fun c boring 17. do i look great in it? yes, … fits you perfectly. a it b its c those 18. … you help me with my homework? of course! a do b will c are 19. he … at the cinema. a am b are c is 20. sue wears a … in the summer because it’s hot. a jeans b coat c skirt 21. put … your gloves and scarf. it’s cold. a off b in c on 22. can you put … rice on my plate, please? a some b any c a 23. we eat breakfast in the … . a evening b morning c afternoon 24. why don’t you come swimming? i’m sorry, i … . a won’t b don’t c can’t 25. … does the lesson start? a what b when c why 26. you … go swimming. there isn’t any water. a must b can c can’t 27. this book belongs to kate. it’s … book. a his b our c her 28. my hobby is walking. i like to go … in the mountains. a swimming b sunbathing c hiking 29. you … swim here. the beach is closed. a can’t b can c must 30. jim wants to go on a … to see the lions. a cruise b safari c beach holiday (marks: 30×1 30 2. choose the correct respond. 1. what is tim’s nationality? a he is british. b he is from the uk. 2. how can i help you? a no, thanks. b i want to buy a souvenir. 3. are there any apples? a yes, there are. b yes, they are. 4. where is the chemist’s? a it’s on the ground floor. b it’s in front of the sofa. 5. can i park my car here? a no, you don’t. b sorry, you can’t. (marks: 5×2 10 reading 3. read the e-mail and mark the sentences t(true), f(false) or ds (doesn’t say). dear mike, how are you? here we are at my granny’s country house and we’re having a great time! the house is new and very beautiful. it‘s got 2 floors and 4 bedrooms. all the bedrooms have got a beautiful fireplace and their own bathroom. it’s a bit cold and snowy here, but the sun is shining. in the morning my mum makes us breakfast and then we all go for a little walk to the nearby village. sometimes we feed ducks in the river. after lunch we play chess or scrabble, or we walk. at the moment, my grandma is decorating the house with balloons. it’s my mum’s birthday tomorrow. we’ll probably have a little party for her. see you soon. mary 1. mary’s bedroom has got its own bathroom. …………… 2. it’s hot. ……………. 3. mary’s grandma is a good cook. …………….. 4. chess is mary’s favourite game. ……………. 5. mary’s grandma is decorating the house for a party. …………… (marks: 5×4 20 writing 4. you are on a trip with your family. write an e-mail to a friend (about 80 words). write about: • where you are staying (a house, a hotel, a campsite) • what it’s like there • the weather • activities use an e-mail in ex.3 as a model. dear ………………………, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………

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1. 1c 2c 3b 4c 5a 6c 7c 8b 9c 10b 11 c 12a 13c 14b 15c 16c 17a 18b 19c 20c 21c 22a 23b 24c 25b 26c 27c 28c 29a 30b 2. 1a 2b 3a 4a 5b 3.  1t 2f 3ds 4 ds 5t

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