Есть ответ 👍

5. The cat … (eat up) the fish. * Complete the sentences in Present Perfect using still, yet, already, just
still have eaten up
has already eaten up
6. I haven't been to London. *
Complete the sentences in Present Perfect using still, yet, already, just
7. Coffee ( grow) in Brazil. *
Present Simple Passive.
is grew
are grown
is grown
8. Some monuments ( build) in our city by famous architectors. *
Present Simple Passive.
are build
are built
am built
9. News ( show) on TV every day. *
Present Simple Passive.
are showed
is shown
are shown
10. His family visit Africa in the future. *
Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)
11. It/s possible we read books anymore. *
Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)
12. Cars use petrol, I'm sure. They'be electric. *
Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)
will probably
will definitely
13.Lots of people work from home. *
Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)
will probably
will definitely
14. I think some schools offer classes online. *
Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)
15. Kate ( start) a new job on Monday. *
Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.
will start
is going to start
is starting
16. What (you/do) when you leave school? *
Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.
are you doing
are you going to do
will you do
17.Don't worry. He probably ( call) you later. *
Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.
will call
is calling
is going to call
18.She be late for the party. She always is. *
Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.
will definitely
is going to be


Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

5 has already eaten up
6 still
7 is grown
8 are built
9 are shown
10 will
11 won’t
12 won’t definitely
13 will definitely
14 might
15 is starting
16 are you going to do
17 will call
18 will definitely

ответ:5. The cat … (eat up) the fish. *

Complete the sentences in Present Perfect using still, yet, already, just

still have eaten up

has already eaten up

6. I haven't been to London. *

Complete the sentences in Present Perfect using still, yet, already, just



7. Coffee ( grow) in Brazil. *

Present Simple Passive.

is grew

are grown

is grown +

8. Some monuments ( build) in our city by famous architectors.

Present Simple Passive.

are build

are built +

am built

9. News ( show) on TV every day. *

Present Simple Passive.

are showed

is shown +

are shown

10. His family will probably visit Africa in the future. *

Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)



11. It/s possible we  won't read books anymore. *

Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)



12. Cars use petrol, I'm sure. They'be electric. *

Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)

will probably

will definitely +

13.Lots of people work from home. *

Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)

will probably +

will definitely

14. I think some schools offer classes online. *

Use will,won't, might/ may and adverbs of possibility( probably, definitely, certainly)


will +

15. Kate ( start) a new job on Monday. *

Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.

will start

is going to start

is starting +

16. What (you/do) when you leave school? *

Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.

are you doing

are you going to do

will you do +

17.Don't worry. He probably ( call) you later. *

Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.

will call +

is calling

is going to call

18.She be late for the party. She always is. *

Complete the sentenses with be going to, will or present continuous.


will definitely +

is going to be


My best day is my birthday. On my birthday, I feel happy, Mature and self-sufficient. My family and friends congratulate me, give me gifts, and tell me how much they love me. On a day like this, I usually try to enjoy every minute of my time. It's nice to see close friends and relatives gathered for my holiday. There is an opportunity to communicate with them, share experiences and problems, and just be close to your loved ones. It's worth a lot. That's why I think my birthday is the best day.

Перевод:Мой самый лучший день - это день моего рождения. В день своего рождения я чувствую себя счастливым, взрослым и самодостаточным. Родные и близкие поздравляют меня, дарят подарки, говорят о том, как любят меня. В такой день я, обычно, пытаюсь насладиться каждой минуткой времени. Приятно увидеть собравшихся на мой праздник близких друзей, родственников. Есть возможность пообщаться с ними, поделиться переживаниями и проблемами, ну и просто побыть рядом с любимыми людьми. Это дорогого стоит. Поэтому я и считаю свой день рождения лучшим днем.

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