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Заполните пробелы, используя слова из рамки. fast food restaurant zoo gallery cottage department store palace swimming pool library sports centre tent 1. the smiths live in a in the countryside. 2. there are lots of works of art in the 3. this is a really big they sell everything here! 4. my little sister wants to see the animals at the 5. i’m so hungry. can we go to a 6. the queen lives in a big luxirious 7. bob and roy are staying in a small at the campsite. 8. tim is keeping fit at the 9. i’m taking this book back to the 10. if you want to go to the you’ll need a bathing costume, a cap and watersport goggles.

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1. cottage 2. gallery 3. department store 4. zoo 5. fast food restaurant 6. palace 7. tent 8. sport centre 9. library 10. swimming pool

Try to have friends before you need them (v.1) what do we call friendship? what is the meaning behind this word?   according to wiki, friendship is "a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people". but we should also remember that there're also a "fake friendships" who pretend to be a true  one.  it's often happens that we call some people friends while we don't have that "manual affection". some people mistaken "manual affection" with "mutual debts".  do you get what i mean? like for examle, someone helped you with your trouble and you feel very gratfull for him. you start to call that person your friend. you can also have a great time together. but after some time it turns out that "friend" doesn't really care about you. that help was just a  kind gesture and nothing more. or this person expects you to pay back without having a "manual affection".  so  i come to conclusion that before calling someone your  friend you should be convinced that he/she is really  attached to you.  try to have friends before you need them (v.2) sometimes you can  feel loneliness and feel that nobody's on your side. it seems to you that you don't have a true friend and you feel pretty sad about that. what to do to avoid this feeling, you may ask? in my opinion, you should try to do your best to have a good relations with people. if you don't have a friend, don't give up! by being nice to others you can always have someone to hang out with. if you found someone like that this relationships can grow to friendship. but here's a free advice from me: even if you have a good time together with someine,  you should be 100% sure in this person before calling him a bff (best friend forever). so keep on trying and someday you'll find a soulmate who will be always there for you and will take your loneliness  away!

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