Есть ответ 👍

Привет нужно составить 6 предложений во 2 типе, 3 предложения про президента( If I were the president of russia? would...)
и 3 про маму или папу ( if were my mother(father)? I would...)
огроомное заранее))

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

If I were the President of Russia, I would build more kindergartens

If I were the President of Russia, students would learn online

If I were the President of Russia, there would not be exams at all.

If I were my mother, I would let me stay up late.

If I were my father, I would help me with my homework.

If I were my mother, I would learn English

Ben do you like apples? does your mother like red apples? does your father like red apples? does he like green apples? do your sisters, mary and salli, like bananas? do they like cream? do you like ice cream?

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