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Tigers are on the brink of extinction.their home is vanishing.the forests which these animals used to rule have become much smaller, their hunting grounds have nearly disappeared.when they are gone,tigers will not share the earth with us any more. there are only 4,000 tigers in the wild now. a hundred years ago there were 80,000 tigers.

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Есть тысячи животных, стоящих сегодня перед вымиранием. они включить черный носорог, большой бамбуковый лемур, равнинная горилла, мадагаскар рыбный орел, и иберийская рысь.

2) does he live here? 3) what is his house? 4) have you seen him today? 5) what time was it? 6)what did he do? 7) have you ever spoken with him?

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