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3. Выберите только один правильный ответ из предложенных: : 1). ... British Isles lay to the north-west of ... Europe.
a). - , - b). the, - c). the, the d). the, a
2). My father ... washing his car now.
a). wash b). washed c). washing d). is washing
3). I can see three ... in the photo.
a). woman b). women c). womans d). womens
4). Yesterday the students ... to the interesting lecture on Literature.
a). listen b). listened c). are listening d). have listened
5). Yesterday the students ... at the exhibition.
a) are b) was c) being d) were​

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Младшая школа 6-10,7-11 средняя школа 10-14.11-11-15 старшая школа 14-17.15-18

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