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Vi. put the verb into the infinitive or the gerund. 1.don't keep ) about it. it's upsetting me. 2. it's raining outside, would you prefer (stay in). 3. my boss told (not leave) the office before five. 4. it's very nice but i miss (see) my friends. 5. i don't (study) on your own. 6. i've always dreamed of (live) in a cottage in the country. 7. sometimes i think you enjoy (upset) me. 8. i keep) in touch with my old school friends. 9. i'm not expecting ) me tonight but i hope he does. 10. don't up) when you go to bed.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. talking. 2.to stay in. 3. not to leave. 4. to . 5. studying. 6. living. 7. upsetting. 8. not to keep. 9. to phone. 10. to lock up.

2. Will become

3. Will pass

4. Will open

5. Will meet

6. Will miss

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