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20 Complete. Then listen check.
Mark from Edinburgh
Ellie from London
I would like to go on
My dream holiday is to
holiday under the
go to space! I would
like to choose which
I want to stay in
I want to visit and meet 5)
underwater glass hotels, with
too. I can wear my
very big 2)
because I want to watch 3)
on my
sharks and whales.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. we decided to buy an expensive knife for my cousin. 2. my cousin studies two languages at the university. 3. we got to the railway station only at 9 o'clock in the evening. 4. our parents brought home different flowers from the garden. 5. at the lunch time my sister put spoons and forks on the table and my brother brought one bottle of cola and two cups of mineral water. then we took our plates at the table. 6. my mother told us at lunch about a shop-assistant from the shopping center. she knew him many years and he always helped her to buy a vase. 7. my brother broke a cup into pieces  in his room. we heard it from the kitchen.8. what is in your heavy bag? it has a strange shape.9. my sister likes expensive perfume. i always bring her a birthday present on her birthday.

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