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Напишите рассказ про собаку и кошку как они подружились.

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Ответы на вопрос:

once met a cat and a dog. they are well poladili.koshku is a dog named rex. once some sort of evil sbaka wanted to separate them but a strong friendship than not break!

однажды встретились кошка и собака . они хорошо поладили.кошку звали том а собаку рекс . однажды какая то злая сбака захотела их разлучить но крепкую дружбу ни чем не !

1) who goes to elementary school ? 2) what school does victoria go? what school does victoria study at?   3) how old is this school? 4) how many children are taught at this school? 5) how many children are there in each class ? 6) what are there in their class? 7) how much space does wendy's house occupy?   8) how many children can place  in wendy's house? how many children can be placed in wendy's house? 9) what does the teacher sit on when she reads ? 10) what is the teacher's name? 11) why did the children gather around the teacher on the carpet?

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