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What number comes: after: 10,15,18,14,12,17,11,13,16; before: 16,13,11,17,12,14,18,15,10,19? у меня не получается решить !

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Ответы на вопрос:


after 10 comes eleven

after 15 comes  sixteen

after 18 comes  nineteen

after 14 comes  fifteen

after 12 comes  thirteen

after 17 comes  eighteen

after 11comes  twelve

after 13 comes  fourteen

after 16 comes  seventeen



before 16 comes fifteen

before 13 comes  twelve

before 11 comes  ten

before 17 comes  sixteen

before 12 comes  eleven

before 14 comes  thirteen

before 18 comes  seventeen

before 15 comes fourteen

before 10 comes  nine

before 19 comes  eighteen.

after: eleven, sixteen, nineteen, fifteen, thirteen, eighteen, twelve, fourteen, seventeen

before: fifteen, twelve, ten, sixteen, eleven, thirteen, seventeen, fourteen, nine, eighteen.







My brother lives in belorussii.on lives in dome.tam zharko.u cold and he has two dogs and one koshka.moego brother named vlad. thank

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