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Read the sentences. Write should or shouldn’t

1)If it’s rainy you ……. take an umbrella.

2)Tom …… eat so many lollipops. It’s bad for his teeth.

3) a) ……..I drink hot tea if I have a sore throat?
b) Yes, you …….

4) They have a test tomorrow. They ……..go to the cinema . They ……stay at home and study!

5) Children …… eat lots of vegetables but they …….. eat lots of sweets.

6) I have a party tonight. What ……. I wear? A dress or a pair of trousers?

7) The doctor said: "_ You …… eat healthy food. You …….eat fast food. You ……..watch so much TV. You ….. walk 1 hour a day. You …… drink fruit juice and water. You …… drink wine or beer.

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Ответы на вопрос:

в первом:have to

во втором:may

в третьем: Can't

в четвёртом: Can

в пятом: might not

в шестом: can

в седьмом:could

(может быть не правильно)

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