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Составьте 15 вопросов на к следующему тексту который ниже mrs.priestley : margaret is coming downstairs - i can hear her. lilian : don`t forget to say"many happy returns," andrew. andrew : of course,i won`t ; i will say it as soon as i see her. lilian : and have you put your present by the side of her plate? andrew : yes,can`t you see it there, next to yours? margaret enters all : good morning,margaret,many happy returns, many happy returns of your birthday. margaret : thank you everybody.oh! what a lot of parcels .shall i open them now,mummy? mrs.priestley : yes, dear, you had better . i am sure no one will be able to get on with breakfast until you have done so. margaret : thank you, mummy. andrew : here,margaret , i will lend you my penknife to cut the string. margaret : thank you, andrew. i wonder what`s in this big parcel. oh, what a lovely doll. " with love from mummy." oh, thank you, mummy. john : i thought you were too old for dolls, margaret; you will be twelve next year and still playing with dolls. lilian : nonsense, john! i shall be fifteen next year but i love dolls. can i play with this one,margaret? margaret : oh, yes, you certainly can. look, her clothes come off and she can open and shut her eyes . we will undress her after breakfast. mr.priestley : what`s in the other parcels? won`t you open them now? margaret : here`s an interesting-looking one, square and flat. i think i recognise the writing. yes, here it is: "with love and good wishes from john." gramophone records! oh, just the ones i wanted, " cockles and mussels" and "christmas carols." oh, thank you, john. i shall p t them on the gramophone after breakfast. mrs.priestley : i can see we are going to have a busy time after breakfast. john (pretending to be bad-tempered) : if we ever get any breakfast! come on, margaret, hurry up and open the other parcels - i`m hungry. if i don`t get breakfast soon , i shan`t be alive to see your party tonight. margaret : look at these, aren`t they lovely? two little armchairs, "from lilian with best wishes for a happy birthday." lilian : they are for your dolls` house. i noticed that one of the rooms wasn`t completely furnished. i hope you will be able to find a place for them. margaret : oh, yes, lilian, i shall. i shall put them in the dolls` sitting-room after breakfast. john : why are you looking so anxious, andrew? andrew(not taking any notice) : open that little parcel next,margaret. margaret: all right. i wonder what will be in it? oh! it`s a lovely silver pencil. andrew : that`s from me, margaret , with lots and lots of good wishes. it writes in four colours, black, blue, green and red. do you like it? margaret : it`s just what i wanted , andrew. it was very , very kind of you to give it to me. and here`s an enormous box of chocolates " from lucille, frieda, jan, olaf, pedro and hob wishing you many happy returns of the day." isn`t that nice of them? i will thank them all when i see them tomorrow. what a wonderful birthday i am having! and now for the last parcel. i think this must be from daddy.books! alice in wonderland, and a child`s garden of verse by r.l.stevenson.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. who is coming downstairs? 2. has andrew   put his present by the side of the plate? 3.  what did andrew  lend margaret to cut the string? 4. what was mother's present? 5. how old is margaret? 6. does she like playing with dolls? 7. c an the doll open and shut her eyes? 8.  what`s in the other parcels? 9. what did she get  for her dolls' house? 10. what was in  that little parcel? 11. the pencil   writes in four colours, black, blue, green and red, doesn't it? 12. what was in the last parcel? 13. what books did margaret get? 14. did she like the presents? 15. are they a friendly family?

Bob has visited his grandma jimmy has played on the computer sue and walter have washed their car andrew has repaired his bike phil has helped anne with maths brad and louise have watched a film tamara has talked to her best friend bridgette has drawn a picture carol has read   a computer magazine tom and alice have been to a restaurant 2. put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple). i haven't worked today. we have bought a new lamp. we haven't planned our holiday yet. where have you been ? he has written five letters. she hasn't seen him for a long time. have you been at school? school hasn't started yet. has he spoken to his boss? no, he hasn't had the time yet.  

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