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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present form (use full forms, for example, is not writing, have not written, ete..) Write and predicates in questions.
1) I'm sorry I... (not come) to class lately.
2) I think that television programmes... (improve) significantly lately.
3) A: Do you do any exercise at all?
B: Yes. Actually, I... (go) swimming three times a week.
4) I'm going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one... (not fit) any more.
5) A: It's ten o'clock. Have you given the manager his letters?
B:Yes, and I... (also/type) six reports so far this morning.
6) A: What time... (the play/start) tonight?
B: Seven o'clock
7) A: Do you want to have a break now?
B: Not yet. I... (write) a report for tomorrow's meeting
8) I... (work) late in the evenings for the past fortnight.
9) And ... (you take) your test yet?
10) How long... (have) driving lessons?
11)A: Is Jeff still in the garden?
B: Yes . he...(plant) flowers all afternoon.
12)A: Are you ready for the concert? B: Yes. I... (practise) for weeks.
13) I think that people... (become) tired of the poor quality of television programmes these days.
14) Linda ... (learn) to drive at the moment.
15) A: You look very happy today.
B: I am. I ,(just/hear) some good news.
16)You've only just started the job, haven't you? How... (you get on)?
17)The film of War and Peace is very long. It .. (last) over four hours.
18)Bill got that new job, but he ... (complain) about it ever since.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwould like to have musical talent. i love the works of great composers such as mozart, bach, beethoven. their music is harmonious and beautiful. you can sit and listen to it a few hours. regardless of the instrument, which is played by a man, the music should sound nice, but it does have the talent. to be honest i had a good sing and want to learn to play the violin or piano. but needs special qualities and skills, so i would like to purchase musical talent. я бы хотела иметь музыкальный талант. мне нравятся произведения великих композиторов, таких как моцарт, бах, бетховен. их музыка звучит гармонично, красиво. можно сидеть и слушать её несколько часов. независимо от инструмента, на котором играет человек, музыка должна звучать красиво, но для этого надо иметь талант. если честно я хорошо пою и хочу научиться играть на скрипке или пианино. но нужны особые качества и навыки, поэтому я бы хотела приобрести музыкальный талант.

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