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Ответить на вопрос «что ты делаешь днем? », употребив нужные глаголы. образец: i … the cat in the afternoon. i feed the cat in the afternoon. ride, sleep, feed, cook, run 1. i … in the park in the afternoon. 2. i … the dog in the afternoon. 3. i … in the afternoon. 4. i … a bike in the afternoon. 5. i … the cat in the afternoon. 6. i … in the afternoon.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. run 2. feed 3. sleep 4. ride 5. feed 6. cook

animals under the leadership of pigs declare themselves a free republic.pig named snowball hangs up the seven commandments, but the sheep , hens and ducks are unable to learn them. after much deliberation snowball reduced the commandments of up to one.


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