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Переведите на в страдательном залоге. 1. за ним послали 20 минут назад. 2. этот вопрос сегодня обсуждаться не будет. 3. в прошлом году на нашей улице построили новый магазин. 4. эта книга еще не переведена. 5. я чувствую, что готовиться какой-то опасный план. 6. если за вами пришлют, не отказывайтесь прийти. 7. почему на эту статью нигде не ссылаются? 8. как только вещи были уложены, мы послали за машиной. 9. этого лектора всегда слушают с интересом. 10. ему еще ничего об этом не говорили. 11. книги этого автора часто спрашивают. 12. вам задавали дополнительные вопросы на экзамене? 13. девочку ругают, вот почему она плачет. 14. я почувствовала, что на меня смотрят. 15. эта книга уже переведена. 16. не входите, там экзаменуют последнего студента. 17. мне сказали, что уже ничего нельзя изменить, так как решение уже принято. 18. какой вопрос обсуждали, когда вы вошли?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he was sent for 20 minutes ago.2. this issue will not be discussed today.3. last year a new store was built on our street.4. this book has not yet been translated.5. i feel that some dangerous plan is being prepared.6. if they send for you, do not refuse to come.7. why is this article not referenced anywhere? 8. as soon as things were packed, we sent for the car.9. this lecturer is always listened with interest.10. they did not say anything about it yet.11. the books of this author are often asked.12. have you been asked additional questions in the exam? 13. the girl is scolded, that's why she cries.14. i felt that they were looking at me.15. this book has already been translated.16. do not enter, there the final student is examined.17. i was told that nothing can be changed because the decision has already been made.18. what question did you discuss when you entered?

Hi! i'm glad to hear from you! it's been a long time since your last letter. so, you prefer desingers' things. i like to look fashionble, but i don't want to spent lots of money on clothes. besides, present-day fashion can be extraordinary sometimes. top models on the cover magazines or runaways look amaizing in such clothes, but wearing something like that in every day live may look very strange. as for me, i prefer comfortable things, that matches me. i can choose anything from jeans and t-shirts for weekends to beautiful dresses, when i go to the party. i prefer to do shopping with somebody, for example, my sister or friends. sometimes i also go with my parents. my mother and i have different styles, but she likes what i choose. there's a big supermarket in our town, so we often go there. clothes are at acceptable price and have good value. sometimes we call at several small brend stores. i've read about your situation. i think, you should listen to the parents. imagine, they have to pay for many things, like house, meals, your aducation, clothes for you and them. there's no need to buy the most expensive clothes to look fashionable. now i'm going to my friends. i've been invited to the birthday party. i'm waiting for your next letter. best wishes. kate.

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